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Saturday 10 May 2025
9.30am to 4.30pm

St Pancras Church, Euston Road, London

Rt Revd and Rt Hon

Dame Sarah Mullally

Bishop of London

Opening Address and Prayers

Chine McDonald

Unmaking Motherhood:

Rethinking Race, Gender, and

Divine Maternal Imagery 

Revd Dr Liz Shercliff 

Hurting and Abandoned:

Preaching and Interpreting the Women of the Bible

Dr Karen O’Donnell

Thicc Theologies Save Lives:

 Exceeding the Limits of Idealised

Women's Bodies in Christianity

Revd Dr Mariama Ifode-Blease

Body Contortion?:

The Body in Institution and

Ritualised Practice

Revd Dr Ayla Lepine

Liturgy and Liberation:

Altarpieces by Women Artists

An ecumenical conference for women in ministry from all denominations:

clergy, lay ministers, ordinands, and women exploring their calling.

£30 early bird bookings until 31 March (£35 from 1 April).

Book via this website. Tickets include lunch and refreshments.

This one day conference seeks to encourage

and equip women in ministry, lay and ordained,
by inviting reflection on Biblical hermeneutics, feminist

and womanist theological perspectives and homiletics.

Combining academic rigour with reflective practice,
Women’s Voices Conferences have been running

for over ten years in the Church of England.

We at St Pancras Church are delighted to welcome the conference to London for the first time, as part of our St Pancras Church Festival Weekend.

Revd Lucy Winkett and Revd Sarah Lee

Spread the Word

​Download Our Poster Here


Women's Voices Conference - poster.png

The Parochial Church Council of the Ecclesiastical Parish of St Pancras, London.  Charity Number: 1133802

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